Committee work

The academic self-administration is large and consists of many smaller and larger committees that are relevant for students and those that are less relevant. In addition, professors are clearly in the majority in most committees, which doesn't always make it easy. Nevertheless, committee work is an important part of student council work. It is necessary to go through the various committees in order to bring about resolutions for change. Below is a list of the most important committees, the student body's voting rights and their areas of responsibility.

Fakultätsrat (FakRat) | 2 of 13 seats |

The highest decision-making body at the Faculty, approves all changes to regulations, financial decisions and appointments. The Faculty Council also appoints the members of the other faculty-wide committees, who work with it and prepare recommendations for decisions. The meetings of the Faculty Council are held in two parts: there is a part that is open to the university and a part that is not open to the public.


Studienkommission (StuKo) | 4 of 8 seats |

The Study Commission, which is particularly important for students, deals with all study-related topics, such as examination regulations, module catalogs and the structure of new or existing degree programs. In addition, the Study Commission decides on the use of decentralized study quality funds (formerly tuition fees) and is therefore able to decide on extended library opening hours at weekends, tutorials or excursions, for example.


Prüfungskommission | 2 of 7 seats |

Students can submit an appeal against their examination by submitting an application. This application is discussed and evaluated by the Examination Board on the basis of the regulations and, if necessary, granted. In addition, the limits of the examination and study regulations can be shifted in specific cases via hardship regulations.


Studienplatzkommission (SPK) | 2 of 6 seats |

The Study Place Commission is responsible for the admission of applicants for Bachelor's degree courses who are not from the EU. It also sends non-EU applicants without a comparable Abitur qualification to the Studienkolleg so that they can obtain a certificate for one year. This mainly concerns applicants from the USA, Russia or China.


Finanzkommission (FiKo) | 1 of 8 seats |

In addition to major expenditure, the Finance Committee also decides on the faculty's budget. Among other things, the performance-oriented allocation of funds (LOM) for teaching determines how much money goes to the individual chairs. In addition, larger expenditures, e.g. for renovations, must be decided in this committee.


Forschungskommission (FoKo) | 2 of 9 seats |

The Research Commission deals with the performance of scientists in research. Among other things, scientific publications, e.g. in journals or specialist books, of the chairs are evaluated here in order to reward them later in accordance with the performance-oriented allocation of funds (LOM). However, third-party funds raised for research, professors' applications for research semesters and their reports, as well as further training measures for academic staff are also discussed.


BWL-Department /VWL-Department | 1 student representative |

The Business Administration Department is the association of all business administration, economics and business informatics professorships. Topics relevant to the respective business administration (related) degree programs are discussed here. Student representatives are occasionally invited to the meetings in order to obtain their opinions. The Economics Department comprises the professorships of Economics and Economic and Social History.


Bibliothekskommission (BibKo) | 1 student representative |

The Library Commission is primarily concerned with the Business, Economics & Social Sciences Library (WiSo Bib) and its services. For example, possible literature or IT purchases, such as multifunctional devices or book scanners, are discussed. The purchase of licenses for the use of various publishing sites, e.g. Springer, or literature databases are also a topic here. This committee alternates between student representatives from the social sciences and economics.


Gleichstellungskommission (GK) | 1 student representative |

The Equal Opportunities Commission deals with issues of equality and diversity and deals with topics such as studying with children or studying with disabilities. In addition, the Equal Opportunities Officer, Ms. Koonings, is represented as an advisory member in the appointment of new professors and in many other committees.


Berufungskommission (BK) | 1 to 2 student representatives

In order for new professorships to be created or filled, an appointment committee is required. Its task is to advertise the vacant position, review the applications and invite them to interviews and a lecture. At the end of the appointment procedure, a ranking of the applicants is drawn up and submitted to the Faculty Council and the Senate for approval. The number of members may vary depending on the grade of the vacant position.


Masterzulassungskommission (MZK) | 1 to 3 student representatives |

The Master's Admissions Committee is responsible for the admission of applicants to a Master's degree program. It reviews the application documents and sends out letters of admission or rejection. Those who cannot be directly assigned to an admission or rejection are invited to an interview to determine their potential suitability. In addition, the commission may impose conditions for admission, e.g. the successful completion of a Bachelor's module, which must be fulfilled by the applicant after one year. The size of the committee varies depending on the number of applications.



Senat | 2 of 13 seats |

The highest decision-making body of the university. In addition to the elected members, the deans of the respective faculties are also represented here in an advisory capacity. All decisions made by the other central committees are finalized in the Senate. This is where the fundamental direction and strategy of the university are discussed and the university management (Presidential Board), which chairs the meeting, is elected and monitored. The meetings are divided into a public and a non-public part.


Zentrale Senatskommission für Lehre und Studium (zKLS) | 4 of 14 seats |

Similar to the Study Commission (StuKo) at faculty level, the zKLS is responsible for university-wide study-related topics. Among other things, changes to the General Examination Regulations (APO) are discussed here. However, all changes to the individual examination and study regulations must also be confirmed here after they have been approved by the StuKo.


Studienqualitätskommission (SQK) | 8 out of 16 seats; student representatives have the chair! |

The Study Quality Commission is responsible for the central use of study quality funds and is the successor to the zKLS+, which was responsible for the use of tuition fees. This commission is characterized above all by its student chairmanship. Applications for the use of taxpayers' money to improve studies and teaching are discussed here. This includes, for example, the expansion of lecture hall technology for e-learning or additional advisory services for students.


Senatskommission für Entwicklungs- und Finanzplanung (KEF) | 2 of 11 seats |

The KEF is comparable to the Finance Commission at faculty level and accordingly deals with the finances of the entire university and draws up a central budget plan. Possible investments in infrastructure are also discussed here.


Forschungskommission des Senats ehem. Strategiekommission (StratKo) | 2 of 11 seats |

The Senate Research Commission is responsible for the long-term direction of the university. It approves special research areas and prepares applications for the Excellence Initiative. This commission is the successor to the Senate's Strategy Commission (StratKo).


Senatskommission für Informationsmanagement (KIM)| 2 of 11 seats |

The KIM discusses all topics relating to information technology. This commission deals with topics such as IT infrastructure, data protection, software licenses as well as information management and IT governance. In addition to the voting members, the managing directors of the GWDG and SUB are also invited as permanent guests.


Senatskommission für Gleichstellung (KfG) | 2 of 11 seats |

Similar to the Equal Opportunities Commission at faculty level, the KfG deals with issues of university-wide equality. Among other things, the work of the KfG has an influence on appointment procedures, as the aim is to achieve a balanced gender quota among professors. It is also active in the area of anonymizing examinations.


ZESS-Beirat & ZESS-Prüfungsausschuss | 1 student representative |

Similar to the Faculty Council, the ZESS Advisory Board is the highest decision-making body at the ZESS, while the ZESS Examination Board is comparable to the StuKo.


E-Learning-Lenkungsausschuss & E-Learning-Beauftragten-Runde | 1 student representative |

As the name suggests, this committee deals with the topic of e-learning at the university. Among other things, innovative teaching concepts are presented here, possibilities for new lecture hall technology or learning management systems are explained, and changes in copyright law for teaching and e-examinations are discussed.


Kommission des Ideenwettbewerbs| 3 out of 5 seats, student representatives chair |

Once a year, the university organizes an ideas competition for students. The aim is to develop innovative concepts on a given topic. This committee has the task of reviewing and evaluating all submissions and ultimately awarding cash prizes. The winning ideas of the competition will then be implemented in the near future.