Pre-course in math (MVK)

The math pre-course (MVK for short) is offered by the Institute of Statistics and Econometrics of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Göttingen. The aim is to give all new students of the WiWi Faculty the opportunity to refresh and improve their math skills. Participation is voluntary. However, we would strongly recommend this offer to all first semester students who are not quite so confident in math after school. The MVK also offers good opportunities to gain initial experience of everyday university life and to get to know your new fellow students. Registration is requested for better planning.


The Institute of Statistics and Econometrics is responsible for the content and organization of the MVK. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to Ms. Julia Berginski:



The MVK will take place in presence this year.


Further information, e.g. on lecture content and the current schedule, can be found here.


impressions from last year`s pre-course